He isn't one to zero in and focus on words on a paper for very long. But sometimes he appeases me and will give me a 10 minute window to practice reading (as long as I try to make it as "fun" and interactive as possible).
It's funny because he loves to write, but I think that's because writing requires physical action. And he can see the fruit of his labor afterwards. But reading...why on earth would he want to stop spinning/singing/building/jumping/running just to sit still and read words? That's not how his beautiful 3 year old mind is hardwired. And that's just fine with me.
Lyss was the polar opposite as a toddler. She LOVED to read (and still does) and would sit and devour book after book. I honestly don't even remember having to teach her to read. It's as if she just learned to do it...like walking.
Trippy how you can have 2 kids as different as night and day.